「臺灣科技與社會研究學會」(臺灣STS學會) 自2008年成立以來,致力於鼓勵與支援STS各世代研究者形成互助社群,深耕臺灣科技發展相關議題的研究、教學,乃至社會參與行動。多年來學會積極透過舉辦各種活動,協助社群將各種研究與行動的成果回饋給臺灣與國際社會。社群的學術交流平台除了定期在期刊《科技、醫療與社會》之外,更有《STS涵多路》、《STS多重奏》與《STS Podcast》等社群媒體。當然,傳統的紙本專書也是知識溝通的重要媒介。學會最新出版的《「協商劇場」在北美館:藝術、科技與公眾參與的五場教學實驗》,便來自2020年與北美館合作的作品。此外,更值得一提的是,2027年學會將與Society for Social Studies of Science共同主辦4S的國際性年會,絕對是令人引頸期盼的國際學術盛事。
2009 美麗新世界的想像 Featuring a Better World(臺南成大) 2010 差異與連結:STS、工程與社會(高雄高海大) 2011 風險社會的公民科技素養(臺北陽明) 2012 環境文化的公民科技素養(雲林雲科大) 2013 科技社會的理念、傳播與實踐(臺北臺大) 2014 創造適當科技.啟動社會轉型(新竹交大客家學院。晚上立法院太陽花開) 2015 正常與異常:我們從未正常過?(臺北中研院人文社會研究中心) 2016 大膽人文.小心科技:專業人文與STS(臺南成大) 2017 人以萬物為尺度(高雄高醫) 2018 與時俱進:台灣STS十年發展的回顧與前瞻(臺南成大) 2019 山•海•之間(高雄高海大。駁二) 2020 我們與科技政策的距離(新竹交大光復校區人社三館) 2021 回到原點:另類知識與科技研究的對話 Re/indigenizing STS: Dialogue between Alternative Knowledges and Science/ Technology Studies(花蓮東華線上。covid-19第兩年) 2022 萬力共生:科技與社會的網絡連動與界線飄移(花蓮東華,戴口罩的實體會議,散會後的地震飄移) 2023 重置世界的尺度:科技、醫療與社會的跨尺度對話 Recaling the World(臺北臺大,空總舉辦學術博覽會!)
台灣科技與社會研究學會理事長 陳恒安 2023/8/9
Since its humble beginning in 2008, the Taiwan Science, Technology & Society Association (TSTSA) has endeavored to foster and support collaborative networks of STS researchers across generations and cultivate research, pedagogy, and active social engagement related to Taiwan’s technology development. The Association organizes a diverse array of events to communicate the research findings and social impacts of the STS community both locally and globally. Our engagement activities include the publication of the peer-reviewed academic journal, Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society, as well as other social media initiatives, such as “STS Pathways,” “STS Polyphony,” and “STS Podcast.” Meanwhile, the tried-and-true printed monographs are still our important conduit for disseminating knowledge. Our latest publication, Negotiation Theater at Taipei Fine Arts Museum: Five Pedagogical Experiments on Art, Technology, and Public Engagement, is a collaborative venture with the Taipei Fine Arts Museum in 2020. In 2027, the TSTSA will join forces with the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) to host the international annual conference of 4S---an international academic gala surely worth looking forward to.
The themes of the annual STS conference have always been sensitive reflections of the community’s multifaceted concerns about the global society. Yet, which directions shall we take as we look to the future? 2027 will be an utmost opportunity for the Association to be engaged with the global academic community, and maybe the year could be set as a milestone for the mid-term planning of the Association. In the past fifteen years, we have tracked an inspiring path together with our STS community in trial-and-error, and our next steps depend on your active participation.
Chair of Taiwan STS Association Heng-An Chen 2023/8/9