策展人介紹 Curator



他的工作室「融聲創意」關注於藝術、科技與音樂的交匯,除積極參與各類展演項目及教育推廣活動外,也逐步發展國際合作網絡。近期執行案例包含文策院TCCF跨域展演、與汐止文史團隊合作《溯源計畫》、將麻省理工學院研究延伸為《與細菌混了3000年》、串連拉丁美洲藝術家的《塑膠湯》及受墨西哥機構BEMA邀請的《無形介面》、由英國文化協會支持的《Selected Ambient Airs》等專案,探索由藝術實踐與科技應用交織出的新景觀。

CHI Po-hao is a creator from Taiwan, largely derives his artistic practice and research from a curiosity towards rules and boundaries. By observing disparities in daily life, he designs methods to explore how humans and technological objects co-construct each other within their surroundings. After earning a B.A. in Economics from National Taiwan University, he obtained an MMus from Goldsmiths, University of London, and an M.S. from MIT in Art, Culture, and Technology. He has taught at National Tsing Hua University and Chinese Culture University.

He has extensive exhibition and residency experience both domestically and internationally. His works, taking the forms ranging from conceptual to virtual art, software to hardware, performance to installation, have been featured in the Taipei New Horizon Festival," Ju Percussion Group Foundation “JPG Lab," National Theater and Concert Hall's “NextTheater” project, Bangor New Music Festival, and the Macao Cultural Centre's “Openbox,” Sound and Music Computer Conference, New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Ars Electronica, FLARE New Media Art Festival, FILE Festival, Southbank Center, among others.

His studio, "ZONE SOUND CREATIVE," explores the crossroads of art, technology, and music. It actively participates in exhibitions and education, and is developing an international network. Recent projects include the TCCF “Stereo”, the “Traceability” project in Xizhi, the extension of MIT research into "3,000 Years Among Microbes", the "Plastic Soup" collaborated with Latin American artists, the “Interfaces of the Invisible" invited by the Mexican institution BEMA, and the "Selected Ambient Airs" project supported by the British Council, among others. These endeavors explore new landscapes woven from artistic practices and technological applications.